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Meghan Johnson Perez

Director, Operations and Quality Assurance, UCP

Meghan is Acacia’s Director of Operations and Quality Assurance for the Unaccompanied Children Program, where she supports the team in ensuring legal service provider partners are fulfilling contract requirements and delivering high quality legal services to unaccompanied children. Prior to joining Acacia, Meghan developed experience running children’s program at ProBAR, which included overseeing both their legal practice and service delivery and their sustained staffing and program growth and related infrastructure building. Meghan also served as ProBAR’s pro bono coordinator, which involved direct removal defense representation before EOIR and USCIS of unaccompanied children in forms of relief like Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, asylum, DACA, and more. Meghan has a B.A. in government and Spanish from Claremont McKenna College and a J.D. from NYU School of Law. She is licensed to practice law in New York and Texas. When she’s not working, Meghan enjoys yoga and long walks, reading, completing crossword puzzles, baking, and photography.

Select Publications Include:
Co-authored, Meghan Johnson & Yasmin Yavar, “Uneven Access to Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: How the Nebraska Supreme Court Became an Immigration Gatekeeper,” 33 CHILD. LEGAL RTS. J. 63 (2013).

Co-authored, Meghan Johnson & Kele Stewart, “Unequal Access to Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: State Court Adjudication of One-Parent Cases,” 16 A.B.A. CHILD. RTS. LITIG., no. 4, Summer 2014, at 8.