Jamie Pantazi

Research and Evaluation Associate

Jamie Pantazi is a recent graduate from the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University with a Master’s in Public Policy. She has a passion for using data to tell stories and influence positive change. She has more than five years of experience utilizing data analysis, interpretation, and visualization to advocate for equity and opportunity for historically oppressed communities. The power of storytelling is great, and she strives to find stories in data and bring them to life through analysis and graphic design. Throughout the last few decades, from the streets to the spreadsheets, Jamie has been actively involved in activist efforts to support marginalized communities and address pressing social issues most of her life—from Anti-Iraq War protests as a teen through the Occupy Movement, and over five years of research and data analysis in non-profit and academic settings. Jamie is an avid traveler and loves camping with her small dog, Gouda, and partner; Southern Appalachia and the Blue Ridge Mountains are her favorite spots to camp and explore.