Judy London served as the Directing Attorney of Public Counsel’s Immigrants’ Rights Project from 2002 to July of 2022. At Public Counsel and throughout her career, she has focused on expanding access to counsel for immigrants facing deportation. From 1996 to 2000, she was the Legal Director of the Central American Resource Center (“CARECEN”) in Los Angeles and focused her work on securing enactment of the Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act (“NACARA”). She joined Public Counsel in 2002, where she expanded the agency’s impact litigation, SIJS and detention work, and launched the agency’s unaccompanied minors representation program which provides zealous representation to hundreds of unaccompanied children in removal proceedings. In partnership with Public Counsel, she co-taught a clinical course on asylum law at UCLA School of Law for 10 years. In 2015, Judy was recognized with the Robert W. Kenny Award by the Los Angeles Chapter of the National Lawyers’ Guild. She received her law degree from UCLA in 1990 and continues to mentor immigrant advocates in Southern California.