Unaccompanied immigrant children require universal and holistic representation to ensure they obtain the legal counsel and trauma-informed care needed to thrive in their new home. The Children’s Holistic Immigration Representation Project (CHIRP) is a trailblazing program that supports the wellbeing of recently arrived children in California, pairing them with an integrated social and legal support team. CHIRP can serve as a model for states looking to welcome and support the arrival of unaccompanied immigrant children into their communities responsibly and sustainably.
14 holistic legal representation providers across California
- Since its inception in September 2022, the program has provided legal representation and case management support in education, mental health, medical, food access, and housing assistance to more than 700 children.
- Each child is assigned a fully integrated team that includes an attorney and a social services professional (either a social worker or a case manager) to accompany them throughout the case.
Unaccompanied children in California
“Our client suffered extreme domestic violence in his country and fled to the U.S. He did not speak English or Spanish, and was not able to access any support because of the language barrier and trauma… [The] attorney immediately connected him to our trained caseworker to assess his needs. Within a matter of weeks, our caseworker helped him to enroll in high school, apply for Medi-Cal, connect him to local food banks, and get into a youth-focused wellness clinic. After starting his school and getting resources that he needed, he started to feel more comfortable and finally opened up to our attorney about several incidents of violence, which made him a strong candidate for asylum. While talking to his brother who is [his] sponsor, we realized that he could qualify for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status. We accepted his case on an emergency basis and now both brothers are going to be able to adjust their status and continue living as a family here in the U.S.”
Legal Service Provider, East Bay Sanctuary Covenant, California