Unaccompanied Children Program


Each year, thousands of unaccompanied children, many fleeing unspeakable violence in their own countries, enter the United States. Upon apprehension and after enduring a harrowing journey, they are detained in federal custody in facilities contracted by the Office of Refugee Resettlement and placed in deportation proceedings without the benefit of an appointed attorney to guide them through this complicated process.

Fulfilling requirements set out under the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPRA), which Congress passed with bipartisan support in 2008,  and requirements outlined by HHS, the Unaccompanied Children Program provides legal representation to more than 26,000 children in and released from Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) custody and provides legal orientations and information to thousands more through a network of nearly 100 legal service providers working across the country. These services are vital to protect children from trafficking, abuse, and exploitation.

In addition to safeguarding the legal rights and wellbeing of vulnerable children navigating the immigration system alone, this program also helps ensure kids attend their court hearings, which reduces strain on our country’s overburdened immigration court system. In fact, 94 percent of children with counsel attend their immigration hearings.

In Our Network

99 legal service providers in 160+ offices nationally

  • Direct representation services and continued representation anywhere in the U.S. for any child whose case starts in ORR custody.
  • Legal orientations empower and inform children about their legal rights, court proceedings, and removal process.
  • Legal screenings in a 1:1 setting identify children’s legal needs and educate them about their rights.
  • Court preparation orientations prepare children to appear before an immigration judge.
  • Friend of the Court assistance ensures that children who are unrepresented have a trusted adult stand beside them in court and help them understand the process.
  • Recruitment, placement, and mentorship of legal fellows and attorneys to introduce new lawyers into the field and close the representation gap.
  • Technical Assistance provides legal service providers with training, guidance and support on substantive issues, trauma informed skills, and best practices for working with children.
  • Subcontractors recruit, train, and mentor pro bono attorneys to represent children both in and released from ORR custody.
  • Subcontractors provide referrals for representation to children who are released from ORR custody.
In Our Network

Children under the age of 18 who are in or released from Office of Refugee Resettlement custody.

Our Partners Say

“I traveled to the U.S. from Guatemala when I was 12, seeking safety where my mom had come to escape my abusive father. It was hard to concentrate on school knowing I might get deported, but ImmDef helped me. My immigration case took 8 years. I am now a lawful permanent resident in my third year at UCLA, heading to dental school. I am so grateful for ImmDef’s impact on my life.”

Former unaccompanied child, services provided by Immigrant Defenders Law Center